
Video proof that two is better than one

BY MICHAELA YOUNGBERG AND HECTOR PLAZA Have you ever had one of those days when you wake up and say, “I’m going to skip the gym today because I’m just not feeling it,” or “I’m just so tired from work today, I’ll skip the gym today?” Then one skip-day turns into two and so on, then the next thing you know you haven’t been to the gym in weeks. Guess what… you’re not the only one. We’re human; we’ve all done it. One of the things that keep me motivated (and could motivate you too!) is looking forward to doing

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When was the last time you felt truly accomplished?

CALLING ALL SPARTANS! That familiar feeling is here again. I'd love to call it the calm before the storm but there's no calm. My adrenaline is up. I'm anxious, excited, slightly nervous. I've been here, I've done this, but every time is different. I know that when I jump that four-foot wall that blocks me from the start line that all the new mysteries of this year's course will be revealed to me. (more…)

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Find the Strongest, Most Powerful and Balanced Version of Yourself

I have always been passionate about group fitness. For the past three years, I have had the honor of teaching participants (our #CSCFamily) to help them "find their mighty” – Their SPARK. SOUL. FIRE. LIGHT. STRENGTH. DRIVE. BALANCE. FIRE. POWER. CHALLENGE. CHANGE. (more…)

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Let’s work together! Couples workout at CSC Valentine’s day weekend

Working out with your partner can make an intense workout more fun.  When you have fun with someone you care about, time seems to fly by. That could be the difference between success and failure for your fitness goals. Another benefit of working out with a partner is that you'll both get more from your workout having someone supportive there to help push you. It's less intimidating to try new, challenging exercises and equipment. Trying new things and pushing each other to your full potential are great ways to stay mentally and physically engaged in a workout. You may even spark a bit of healthy

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Bring a friend to try group training, Pilates or create your own partner workout

At CSC, there are so many ways to enjoy an hour with a friend and squeeze in a killer workout. Spending time with friends is about having fun, catching up and creating memories. Is it just me or does it seem like life just keeps getting busier? Making time for good things like laughing with friends is something we do less of with each passing week (and year). So if we have little free time for friends, how do we get in an hour of exercise? (more…)

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Fitness Tip of the Week: 4 Tips to be a Better Runner

better runner

Running is something you either love or hate. And even people who say that they love running admit that it’s something they occasionally hate as well! So don’t stress too much if you experience a love-hate relationship with running. I have some helpful tips you can try the next time you hit the pavement or treadmill to possibly help you be a better runner and enjoy your overall workout a bit more! (more…)

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