
Primal Movement Flow

Primal Movement Flow is a combination of primitive movement patterns like hinging, crawling, squatting, lunging, rolling in all possible directions and connecting them by using transition movements. The end result is a flow of challenging body weight exercises/moves that are fun and enhance every aspect of fitness. This includes improvements in mobility of the joints, strength, endurance, power, balance, cardiovascular, the list goes on and on. Primal movements are early building blocks for every move we make in our daily lives, and being able to perform them well, will keep our bodies up to date and fight back some of

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Why EVERYONE Should do Pilates

Hello, Maria Barry here! As most of you probably know, I am the Pure Pilates and Group Fitness Manager at Commonwealth Sports Club, Boston. Over the last 20 years of teaching strength, cardio, yoga and barre classes, I realized there was one common factor preventing me from injury: the core strength I’ve developed from Pilates training. After speaking with clients, friends and members, all of whom work out in many different ways, I have put together a list of the top reasons to practice Pilates studio equipment and Pilates mat. 1.       It’s exercise while you’re laying down AND a great workout!

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It’s that time of year again…

It’s that time of year again- New Year’s resolutions and all of the weight loss challenges that come along with it. “Lose all of that weight this year, join this challenge, workout like crazy and starve yourself for this many days!” But is that a realistic goal? Is it a sustainable lifestyle once the New Year’s glow wears off? How many times do we see the weight come back on? Or lose interest after a couple of weeks? So what if this year instead, you commit to staying active through these crucial first few months. Commit to going to the

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Five Quick Tips to Help You Perfect the Kettlebell Swing

kettlebell swing

The kettlebell swing is one of the most effective yet poorly executed moves out there. When done right, it can improve your overall conditioning, strength, calorie burn, and power. But when done wrong, it can obliterate your back, waste your time and leave you frustrated. So how do you perfect the kettlebell swing and get the most of this amazing exercise? I have five quick tips to help! (more…)

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