
Food as Medicine

"An apple a day keeps the Doctor away" - We've all heard this phrase before, even my kids ( 6 & 9 years old ) go… Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, I know dad ! At that young age , it is really hard to convince them that a bowl of broccoli is better for you than a bowl of skittles. Those colorful and chewy candies, so cute , so sweet and tasty…how that can be bad for you ? And , the truth is , they are not really that bad for you. It's pure sugar, and a little bit of

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How to be successful at the gym, Part 1: Nutrition

Start by making sustainable changes For weight loss,members changing their whole lifestyle at once may work for some, but definitely not everyone. People who start with big changes usually start well, they’re focused and committed to eating healthy foods, meal prepping, working out 5x a week and setting up a crazy caloric deficit. However, most of those people are just setting themselves up for failure and disappointment because they drastically cut out on the amount of daily calorie intake and eliminate foods they love to eat. They could make this work for a week or two, then something happens that

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Why Booties and Cookies Don’t Mix

Let’s face it, the holidays can be very challenging. Getting into the festive spirit tends to mean abandoning all notion of self-control and consuming insane amounts of sugar.  But you know what…? It’s OK!  The cookies are colorful and pretty, the punch looks beautiful and there is loads of candy, pies and all kinds of chocolatey treats at every party. So let your inhibitions go and give in a little! I gave myself just 24 glorious hours where I allowed myself unchecked treats including cookies, midnight snacks and candy all day long. I let myself splurge like this because I

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Understanding Supplements

The world of supplements is vast and confusing. Everywhere there are manufacturers claiming their pill will help you lose twenty pounds fast, boost your libido, help you gain more muscle, or reduce soreness and help you work out longer. There are so many products out there, all claiming to have the solution to our problems or be ‘the next big thing’ in fitness, it can be almost impossible to sift through them all and understand what is beneficial and what is snake oil. (more…)

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Fueling Your Workouts

You’ve probably wondered how to make the most out of your time at the gym, or you wouldn’t be reading this. One of the pillars of success in fitness is eating right for exercise. This means eating the right foods, at the right times, to get the best possible workout. You shouldn’t be showing up to the gym starving, or totally stuffed. You should be properly hydrated, and you shouldn’t be feeling hungry or weak by the end of a training session. (more…)

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5 Simple Habits to Maximize Fat Loss

You've probably heard the phrase, "Abs are made in the kitchen, not the gym." What does it mean? Can you simply watch what you eat and the fat will melt off your tummy or thighs? Certainly, trained professionals will tell you that a balance of healthy habits like exercise, clean eating and adequate sleep is the best prescription for fat loss. Good nutrition is the key to getting maximum results. We're here to share with you 5 simple habits to maximize fat loss. (more…)

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4 Reasons You Might Need Nutritional Counseling

nutritional counseling

While looking at old family pictures, you realize something troubling. You’ve been trying unsuccessfully to lose weight for a long time. While you attempt to eat healthy and exercise regularly, you always seem to fall short of your intended mark. Because you understand you must be doing something wrong, you’re thinking about enlisting professional help. If you can relate to this common scenario, consider the following four reasons you might benefit from nutritional counseling. (more…)

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