

Calf Strengthening Exercises for Runners

calf exercises for runners

Strengthening your calves isn’t just about preventing injury to your calves. It’s about protecting your lower legs as a whole. For example, if your calves are too weak, it puts stress on your Achilles tendon and shins. No runner likes dealing with a painful, squeaky Achilles tendon or going through the agony of shin splints. Include these calf exercises into your training routine two to three times per week to improve your form and help prevent injuries by building muscle in your lower body.  The difference between good calf exercises and great calf exercises is the time and attention you put into

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Lace-Up Your Running Shoes

CSC Treadmill Cardio Workout

3 quick & effective treadmill workouts (3-5 minute read) The cardio room. Maybe you dread it or maybe you love it, maybe sometimes it’s a little bit of both. Whether you are stuck in a routine or don’t know where to start when it comes to the treadmill, we’re here to spice it up for you. We talked with one of our personal trainers here at Commonwealth Sports Club, Andy Konz, to get some quick and effective workouts that you can add to your fitness plan to make you stronger and faster. Some benefits of the treadmill – it’s simplicity.

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Jump Back In! What coming back to fitness clubs look like in 2021

Commonwealth Sports Club Workout Image for Blog Post

(2-3 min read) Fitness has looked a little different for everyone this past year. Maybe you’ve kept moving by incorporating a great at-home workout routine and have spent hours scouring Amazon for dumbbells and resistance bands like many of us have or even purchased a spin bike (good on you!). Now, with gyms and fitness centers back open, there’s a looming question… “Is it time to go back?” or “If I go back, what will it look like?” Gyms and athletic clubs all over the country are working their operations back up – but what does that look like at

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Seven Keys to a Successful Home Workout Program

Recently, we have all found ourselves in a new and uncomfortable situation.  We have lost many aspects of our daily lives that we have taken for granted.  We no longer have the ability to sit and reflect in coffee shops.  We can’t turn to movie theatres or go out with friends to stave off the encroaching negativity.  We are in a time where many of the traditional outlets for our anxieties and our fears are not accessible.  Instead, many of us find ourselves with nothing but time to think about the things that we don’t have right now.  The things

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What is healthy?

You’re not healthy!  That might sound like a harsh way to start a post given the current social climate but it is most likely a truth the average person needs to hear. While the coronavirus pandemic plays out in packed hospitals and empty streets across the world, most of us have been left to self isolate at home following the story from our televisions, the internet, and social media. As a fitness professional stuck at home watching all of this play out one of the things I cannot help but notice is how deeply the media has discounted the word

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If you were stuck on a deserted island (or at home) with only one piece of exercise equipment what would it be?

At some point every trainer, coach, athlete, or fitness enthusiast has been asked, “if you were stuck on a deserted island with only one piece of equipment what would it be?”  Well right now many of us are living that while stuck in our homes with little equipment. For me the answer to that question is the TRX Trainer.  Although, if I can cheat and bring two items the other would be a Kettlebell.  One of the main reasons I am such a big fan of the TRX trainer is the versatility.  While many know it as a tool for

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Primal Movement Flow

Primal Movement Flow is a combination of primitive movement patterns like hinging, crawling, squatting, lunging, rolling in all possible directions and connecting them by using transition movements. The end result is a flow of challenging body weight exercises/moves that are fun and enhance every aspect of fitness. This includes improvements in mobility of the joints, strength, endurance, power, balance, cardiovascular, the list goes on and on. Primal movements are early building blocks for every move we make in our daily lives, and being able to perform them well, will keep our bodies up to date and fight back some of

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Need a break from Coronavirus updates and worries? Try this meditation

Hey CSC family! Shaq Wùkōng Bennett from Commonwealth Sports club here bringing some Taoism to your day with a meditation focusing on creating the peaceful, harmonious and healthy environment within that we'd like to see reflected on the world during these times of crisis, pandemic and uncertainty. Since we're all being forced to slow down our lives, take a break and stay inside, why don't we take this opportunity to dive even deeper, turning to our own inner space to do some well needed maintenance and show ourselves some peace and love in a time where we’d like to see the same reflected

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Food as Medicine

"An apple a day keeps the Doctor away" - We've all heard this phrase before, even my kids ( 6 & 9 years old ) go… Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, I know dad ! At that young age , it is really hard to convince them that a bowl of broccoli is better for you than a bowl of skittles. Those colorful and chewy candies, so cute , so sweet and tasty…how that can be bad for you ? And , the truth is , they are not really that bad for you. It's pure sugar, and a little bit of

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Why trainers focus on the butt

Why do trainers like myself always incorporate Glute (aka Gluteus Maximus aka the Butt) work into our exercise programs?  Simply put, it’s the biggest muscle in the body and it anchors all hip and core activation for lower body movement.  It's also a key factor in lower body stabilization for upper body movement.  Once of my favorite sayings is “you can’t fire a cannon from a canoe” which is a simple way of saying proximal stability creates distal mobility. If your core, hips and lower body are not stable, you can’t effectively move your upper body. Again, your butt is

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