
6 Stretching Benefits To Ace Your Recovery

stretching benefits

You’ve probably heard that it is important to stretch before, during and after your workout, but do you know why? While many people view stretching as a nuisance or a part of their workout that they can skip, the truth is it is vital to not only your workout itself, but also the results. If you want to get more out of your workout you will start incorporating stretching into your routine. (more…)

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Getting Enough Sleep: Is It Really THAT Important?

enough sleep

Getting enough sleep is a rare and sought after commodity in our society today. Nearly half (around 40 percent) of adults in the United States are sleep deprived, getting fewer than 5 hours of sleep a night. Sleep research has shown that fewer than 6 hours of sleep can cause cognitive impairment. If sleep is that important for your brain function, what about your body? If you are trying to lose weight, get more fit, or become a better athlete then sleep is absolutely vital to your efforts. (more…)

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Clean Eating: 5 Traps to Avoid

clean eating

It seems that just about everyone is jumping on the clean eating bandwagon lately – and with good cause. It is super healthy and a great way to lose weight. However, not all clean eating plans are created equal. Some seem to fudge the rules a little and stray from the core of this wonderful, pure, way of life. If you really want to eat clean, avoid these common clean eating traps. (more…)

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Proper Supplement Use

supplement use

Supplements are formulated to provide additional nutrients the body needs either for daily use or when extra nutrition is needed for workouts, strenuous periods of activity or during an illness. An understanding of proper supplement use will ensure you gain the maximum benefit possible. Supplements come in different forms, potencies and dosages so they can accommodate almost anyone's individual needs. There are also different types of supplements. From general health to intense physical exercise, there are supplements to help ensure that adequate nutrients are received at all times. (more…)

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Interval Training on a Stationary Bike

interval training

Cycling is a wonderful endurance workout that keeps your heart healthy, your weight maintained and your muscles tone. Cycling can also get a little repetitive, since there is not a lot of variety to the exercise- you sit on the saddle and pedal your legs. If your find you are feeling a little bored with your cycling workouts or keep making excuses not to exercise, try an interval training workout to boost your enthusiasm. You can use this training program on stationary bike and approach it very scientifically or emotionally. (more…)

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