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Tell us a little about what motivates you: What inspires you? I started weight training with a personal trainer at CSC in 1991, when I decided that gaining weight was not a good idea, so the gym was a great alternative. The inspiration was seeing others doing the same thing, and thinking how smart we all were. I actually enjoy lifting weights, doing cardio, and stretching. I feel good, and I function better.

What has changed the most since you started working out at CSC? Here the real question is what has not changed. After 26 years coming to CSC at least 4 times a week, I can still do almost everything I want to do. That would not have happened if I hadn’t begun when I did.

How have your workouts changed & what’s made the biggest difference? The best decision I made was to have a personal trainer. I‘ve had a few, and each has brought a new look at fitness. They have all made a big difference in my life. Currently, Evandro continues to “whip me into shape”. He leads me to do my best while still preventing injury. He is also a great guy, and we do laugh a lot.

Has anything changed in your life since you’ve started this program? Sure I feel stronger and more balanced. What has been your biggest challenge? Not comparing myself to other (mostly younger) members who are stronger and can do stuff I can’t do. But I enjoy what I can do, and that is motivating.

Do you ever have trouble staying motivated? If so, what do you do to re-focus? Strangely, just coming to the gym is motivating as I just said. And I have made a number of friends here who are also motivating.

Have you noticed: more energy, weight loss, body changes, strength increases, anything else? I am definitely stronger than I would have been if I had not started training, and that is really important to me.

Tell us a little about your training with Evandro. Evandro is wonderful – he is a “no nonsense” guy. He expects me to put out the energy to do what he wants me to do, and I find that really motivating. Also, we don’t spend valuable time chit-chatting – we work!

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Dick trains with
Personal Trainer: Evandro Lisboa

” I like the feeling I get from working out. I just feel good. I think weight training is a great way to keep upper and lower body in balance. I definitely prefer lifting weights to cardio, but I know I need both.”

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